Name: (required)
Date of Birth:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
May Dr. Robinson leave personal voice messages on one of your phones?
If yes, which phone(s):
Do you consent to receiving text messages from Dr. Robinson?
Do you consent to receiving emails from Dr. Robinson? YesNo
Primary Plan:
Policy/Subscriber #:
Subscriber's Name:
Soc. Sec. #:
Plan Ph#:
Claim Address:
Secondary Plan:
Referral Source:
Presenting Problems (be as specific as you can: describe problems, when did it start,...):
Estimate the severity of above problem:
#1 MildModerateSevereVery Severe
#2 MildModerateSevereVery Severe
#3 MildModerateSevereVery Severe
Currently in School? YesNo
Highest Grade / Degree:
Last/Current School Attended:
Average Grade Received:
Learning Strengths:
Specific Learning Disabilities:
Any behavioral problems in school?
What have teachers said about you?
Did you like school? YesNo
Patient's Occupation:
Current Employer: (former. if no longer working):
Favorite Job(s):
Least Favorite Job(s):
Any work-related problems?
What would employers say about you?
Current Marital Status:
SingleMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedLiving together
Name of Spouse/Long term partner:
Length of Current Relationship:
Spouse/Partner Occupation:
Describe any stressors in current relationship:
List Past Marriages (start and end date, years together, names & statement about the nature of the relationship/s):
Children/Step Children (names/ages & brief statement on your relationship with the child/adult):
Siblings (name/age, if deceased: age and cause of death & brief statement about the relationship):
Cause of Death
If living, describe current relationship with her
Medical Problems:
Psychiatric Treatment:
Mother's drug / alcohol history:
Have any of your mother's blood relatives had any significant medical or psychiatric problems including drug or alcohol abuse/addiction, depression, anxiety, psychiatric hospitalization, suicide attempts?
Father's drug / alcohol history:
Have any of your father's blood relatives had any significant medical or psychiatric problems including drug or alcohol abuse/addiction, depression, anxiety, psychiatric hospitalization, suicide attempts?
Describe your childhood (Relationships with parents, siblings, others, school, neighborhood, relocations, any school/behavioral/problems):
If Parents Divorced, Your Age at the Time:
How did their divorce affect you?
Primary Care Doctor (name /phone/city):
Other Medical Specialists (name/phone/condition they are treating):
Past and Present Medical Care (major medical problems, surgeries, injuries, illness):
Current Medications (Name, Dosage, Issue for which each medication is prescribed):
Past / Present Psychotherapy / Neurofeedback History (start-end date, approx. # of sessions, helpfulness, name, city, ph# of therapist, reason treatment ended):
Psychiatric Hospitalizations (specify: month, year, number of days of each hospitalization, name of hospital, reason for hospital):
Do you ever experience withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or drugs?
Has anyone ever told you they think you have a problem with alcohol or drugs?
Please Explain:
Have you ever felt guilty about your alcohol or drug use?
Have you ever felt annoyed when someone spoke to you about your alcohol or drug use?
Have you ever used alcohol or drugs first thing in the morning?
Have you ever tried to cut down on your drug/alcohol use and been unable to do so?
Have you been through any programs to treat substance abuse or addiction?
Please list programs:
C=Current Use P=Past Use Please describe use on line provided.
Cocaine / Methamphetamine
Prescription sleeping pills or tranquilizers
Any problems falling asleep?
Any problems staying asleep?
Any problems waking up?
On average, how many hours do you sleep at night?
History of sleep apnea
Do you snore
Do you or have you had sleep walking
Do you have frequent nightmares
Do you grind teeth during sleep
Would you consider your diet mostly healthy or unhealthy?
Any food allergies or sensitivities?
Are you on a restricted diet?
Caffeine consumption per day (chocolate, coffee, tea, ó †¸soda...):
Sugar consumption per day:
Describe your current bowel function:
Describe your current exercise routine:
Do you consider yourself to be over or under weight?
What is your ideal weight?
How long have you struggled with your weight issues?
What weight loss measures have you tried?
Cultural and Ethnic Background:
Describe Yourself
Describe Your Strengths
Describe Your Weaknesses
Describe Your Friendships
Interested in Christian Counseling?
YesNoMaybe, please tell me more about it
Please use this space to let me know anything else about yourself that you would like me to know: